Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Episodio 8 - Expomanga, Parte 2

Siguiendo con nuestra visita al Expomanga de Madrid, hablamos con Alvaro Muñoz, dibujante y profesor en Formación Creativa C-10. Alvaro nos habla de la profesión del dibujante, del estado de la industria, y nos enseña unos cuantos dibujos.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Behind the Scenes - Upcoming Strip - Pokemon

Can't say much about this one since it's a few weeks away, but I had the opportunity to work with some Pokémon designs, which is always fun since Ken Sugimori has always been one of my favorite videogame character designers.

Of the new generation, I'd say the design I like the most is for the water starter, the Sea Otter Pokémon (called Mijumaru in Japanese).

Here's the original sketch I drew for it:

I wanted it to look kind of badass but retaining the cuteness of the original character, since in the strip it's supposed to be about to attack.

Here's how it came out:

I think I succeeded. I'm actually quite proud of this one!

So that's a little advance on the new strip. Don't forget to keep checking the website www.wiseguypictures.net for weekly strips and videos!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sketches - Upcoming Project - Carmen

All artwork on this site is registered under the WGAe © Agustin Gonzalez

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Film Society Update: "Jack goes boating" and "You will meet a tall, dark stanger"


- Gus

(All images on this site are registered under the WGAe)

Behind the Scenes - A Russian Doll gets an Abortion

Today, one of the most popular strips on the Wiseguypictures.net site.

OK for this one I actually had to look hard to find something interesting to put up. You'll understand what I mean soon. For starters, lets bring up what I actually managed to find:

These are the very early doodles of the strip. I tried to have three different options: one where you could see the dolls head, one from the point of view of the doll, and one where you could see everything from a wide angle shot.

I was of the idea that since the smaller dolls had been aborted, they should look dead. But the writers wanted the dolls to look stoic like they normally do, so we went with that. Now here's the part that explains what I meant before. This is the draft I made of the strip:

And here's the strip itself:

The changes are literally non-existent. The dolls on the back went from a box to a table. That's it.

It's good when things flow this well! This strip is very popular both for the joke and for the art.

- Gus

La Parroquia del Monaguillo!

So I entered this contest to win an iPad. It's hosted by a spanish radio show called La Parroquia del Monaguillo (The Parrish of the Altarboy) but it has nothing to do with religion lol. It's a comedy show.

The first design I made was this:

It was not well received by the community of the site... Honestly, I kinda rushed it because I thought the deadline was sooner than expected.

So it didn't do very well and apparently you can only use 5 colors or something, so I had to re-do the thing. I didn't want to get rid of the drawing, so I used it for the next one. As you can see it says "Delorean" on the Vespa, trying to reference them going back in time, as the new book they have out is about the 80s in Spain. That didn't translate well apparently so I changed it a bit:

Added some 80's motifs, the time-traveling clichés of the clocks and calendars, and added the title of the book (oh, and reduced the number of colors).

This one did a little better. The contest, however, isn't over yet. You can vote if you'd like here:


Wish me luck! :D

- Gus

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I'm really excited about Black and White

I know, it's a "kid's game". But I've been playing it for years and the new games look awesome.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Phone Doodles - Naruto's Sasuke

Drew this while on the phone. Really liked Sasuke's face.

Not really crazy about Naruto, but I've been re-reading it recently. It's better than I remembered.

Anyway, just a doodle. Soon, more stuff. :D

- Gus

Behind the Scenes - Heroes in a Half-Baked Shell

Hey everyone!

Sorry it took so long to update! I don't know if you've seen the new strip at http://www.wiseguypictures.net  but we've recently updated with the famous "Heroes in a Half-Baked Shell" strip. If you haven't seen it, go check it out before reading this post!! Spoiler alert!


Welcome back. Now that you've seen the comic strip, let me show you some behind the scenes embarrassing stuff I wouldn't show you ever. The only reason I do is so you can understand how much I like drawing :D

This is the original, very first draft of that strip. As you can see from it's very VERY low quality, it was done on the spot in my notebook.

It was a quite straight forward concept from the beginning. The complicated thing was, the second panel had to have all of the Ninja Turtles characters in it (or at least the good guys). So I got to work and I came up with a second sketch:

Fun fact: Leo's line wasn't actually on the script. I came up with that one because I never knew WTF the Foot Clan soldiers were supposed to be. It got fixed in the final product by the writers. Much better! :D

So as you can see it didn't change much from the original scribble, except by adding all those characters. Now came the REALLY hard part. Putting them all together in actual good quality.

I don't really want to give it out, but here's the final product:

Another fun fact is, the reason Michaelangelo is the one in the foreground is because he used to be my favorite Ninja Turtle. He rocks.

I'm very happy with it. As trivia, I'll say that the reason there's a TV with "Family Guy" playing in the foreground is an inside joke with the writers to repeated very similar situations we experienced... Don't tell anyone I said that.

As a final treat, I'll put up the first idea I had for the first panel. Originally I was very adamant about the fact that I wanted it to be rainy. I mean, I live in New York too, and that's very much what it looks like. In the end, the rain would've made the panel too busy, so I never ended up using it. So now for your enjoyment, my own private rejection, the original panel 1:

That's all for now. Stay tuned for much more coming up!! :D


(All artwork in this site is registered under the WGAe)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Behind the Scenes - If Dr Seuss was actually a doctor...

By now you should know that I'm publishing strips at the amazing website www.wiseguypictures.net written by two extremely talented comedy writers. Well, here's the story of the first one we worked on, basically what if Dr Seuss was actually a doctor.

Now this one was probably one of the easiest ones we've done in the sense that consensus was reached early in the process. For my first design I created a Dr Seuss based on the way he actually looked, combined with the hat from his famous cat, and a little of the hairiness that characterizes most of his characters. The script had the patient saying one final line: "Are you high?!" But me, being the pretentious asshole that I am, decided not to include it (lol):

Some changes were made (basically just removing the "hairy" aspect of the Dr Seuss character), and I proceeded to create a more detailed strip. I created 2, one with the line and one without it.

As you can see, the changes from the original draft and the polished strip are minimal. Finally consensus was reached, and it was decided that it would be an alteration of the second option.

To see the final version of the strip, go to www.wiseguypictures.net and check it out! And come back soon for more behind the scenes and other stuff! :D

- Gus

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rejections 1 - Sonny Bono Strip FOLLOW UP!

I forgot to include the first concept art for the Sonny Bono strip.


- Gus

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Wee Bit of Fun: Superman VS John Constantine

Oh, he has superpowers alright!

Rejections 2 - The M&M's Strip

Continuing the saga of the comic strips, here are some behind the scenes on a different one. Today we talk about the M&M's trip to the doctor's office.

Now I got the script for this one and drew it quite fast. Here is what I came up with:

It obviously got rejected. While I was trying to stay away from the actual characters to avoid them being the same, I went too far, making them unrecognizable.

I did salvage some things, like the background or Red's expressions: 

On the way, he also lost his doctor's coat. All in all, much needed changes that made the strip a lot better.

If you haven't seen the finish product, run to www.wiseguypictures.net and check it out!

- Gus

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Work in Progress - The Legend of Zelda Parody

Not much to say about this yet, but hopefully I'll have time to actually finish it. For now, enjoy this concept art:

- Gus

Friday, August 13, 2010

Rejections 1 - Sonny Bono Strip

By now you should've seen the super awesome website www.wiseguypictures.net where I publish comic strips written by two extremely talented comedy writers.

One of them was the "What really happened to Sonny Bono" strip, where we find out that an encounter with the Abominable Snowman from the Ski Free videogame was the reason for his demise.

For that strip, I drew this panel:

The writers thought that my non-pixelated interpretation of the monster might've been a little confusing, so they asked me to change it to the more recognizable version of it, the pixelated monster straight from the game:

And now, in all it's rejected glory, the first version of the strip:

Please be sure to check the finished (and far superior) version of the strip on the website, and come back soon for more drafts, rejections and original work.

- Gus

Monday, June 7, 2010

New Comic Strip Preview/Adelanto de nueva tira:

Homenaje a Jesús Martínez del Vas

Homage to Jesús Martínez del Vas

All comic strips are registered under the WGAe 2010. "BOK" is a Copyright of Jesús Martínez del Vas (JMV)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The 5th Generation

Comic Strip created for a Pokémon Website, Zonasafari.net

Tira creada para la página web Zonasafari.net

All comic strips are registered under the WGAe 2010.